The GUT is the linchpin of good health

It’s time to pay more attention to that part of the body that no one really ever wants to talk about 
In the last 35 years the understanding of the absolute importance of the gut and the microbes which inhabit it, has substantially improved, to the point where some scientists are now calling for an entirely new system to be named. The quantity and diversity of the bacteria that live in our gut, call the shots on our level of health & wellbeing, and their value is finally being fully recognised.

Mental health treatments are also reflecting this new understanding, with forward-thinking practitioners placing far greater emphasis on diet, and treatment for inflammation, which studies have shown can be linked to depression.

Of equal importance is the fact that our food chain is now so heavily contaminated with antibiotics, that ‘superbugs’ are a very real threat to our immunity, and protecting the gut flora, is more imperative than ever.

If your having any sort of gut issue, it’s important to address it sooner than later, as it can have far-reaching implications for your overall health.

Contact the clinic for a chat today, and don’t ignore your body’s signals.